Nine steps in a Contact Lens Examination

Contact lenses are medical devices that sit over the eye. They are a great alternative to spectacles and sometimes the only corrective option for people with certain eye conditions like keratoconus. In such cases, spectacles do not provide an optimum vision correction. A contact lens examination involves several special tests and measurements in addition to a regular eye examination. This helps to check for suitability of contact lenses and help determine the best contact lens type, material and design for…

My son has colour blindness. What are the best correction options for him?

Before we look at the correction options for colour blindness, let us first understand what colour blindness is all about. Colour blindness means one does not see colours in a usual way and cannot distinguish between specific colours. The eye functions like a camera and helps capture images and focus them on the innermost layer of the eyeball called the retina. This layer consists of special nerve cells and pigments that help communicate with the brain. There are two types…

Staying safe with your contact lenses so you can flaunt your beautiful pair of eyes

Contact lenses are great! They help you see clearly without disturbing your natural looks. Expressions and communication are the other important reasons why eyes are precious, and they also add to your persona. Guess what- contact lenses help you retain those aspects of your personality. However, as these lenses are worn on the front part of the eye and are always in contact with the human body, one needs to take certain precautions. Remember that contact lenses will take care…

Restore quality vision in complex eye conditions using speciality contact lenses

Contact lenses are an ever-evolving field with advancements in science and technology leading to newer materials and designs. Contact lenses serve as a mode of correction for refractive errors such as hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (short-sightedness), astigmatism and presbyopia.  Most refractive errors can be corrected by regular or conventional contact lenses available in the market. However, few corneal conditions or eye conditions wherein the traditional contact lenses do not fit or suit them need speciality contact lenses.  The right speciality contact…

Colour your eyes for that special party!

Coloured contact lenses enhance the eye's appearance by changing the colour of the iris (coloured part of the eye). These lenses are made up of coloured dots and radial-coloured lines that mimic the natural iris pattern to give a realistic appearance. Coloured lenses used for cosmetic purposes usually have a transparent central portion surrounded by the coloured portion. These lenses do not hamper your vision or colour perception. Figure 1 describes the location of the iris (coloured part of the…

Basics of Contact lenses

Your eyes say more about you than words ever can. Contact lenses let your eyes shine through, be it your first day at college or your first date. Be it your interview or the beginning of a beautiful relationship called marriage. Your lenses will give you the confidence to perform your best.  Today more and more people enjoy the clear, natural and unobstructed vision offered by contact lenses. New lens designs and materials and advanced care products now make contact…